Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Vagrant (1992)

Graham's feeling pretty good about his life.  He just bought a house, his girlfriend is coming to stay for a week, and he's expecting to get a promotion at work.  There's just one problem.  There seems to be a creepy, gross vagrant in his house.

Graham's friend changes the locks which should take care of the problem.  But the vagrant is camping in the vacant lot across the street.  Plus Graham keeps seeing the vagrant peering in his windows, or wakes up in the middle of the night to find the guy in his house.

Surprisingly the police won't do anything about the trespassing or open fire.  But if he's urinating in the vacant lot, then that's another matter.  Upset that the vagrant keeps coming back to the lot and harassing him, Graham makes multiple calls to 911, puts  a high fence around his house,  installs tons of light poles, and  warns his girlfriend that the vagrant is evil. At this point, everyone starts thinking Graham is paranoid and not taking his distress seriously.

As Graham's obsession with the vagrant and his odd behavior starts to make his life unravel, Graham starts to fear if he's losing his grip on reality. Then his neighbor is murdered, and Graham wonders if it's  the fault of the filthy deranged vagrant, or if Graham himself is doing every these horrible things in his sleep?  

Bill Paxton is great as the nebbish Graham.  In fact, the whole cast is really good and the vagrant is  particularly creepy.  There are some amusing moments (as well as a few spots where I laughed out loud), but I wouldn't really consider it a horror comedy even though it's billed as such.  I'd never heard of this and was happy that it was released on this budget DVD from Scream Factory, which is the horror label of Shout Factory. I'm always willing to take a change on their stuff.  Not something I'd ever pick as a favorite movie, but it was entertaining enough.

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