Friday, April 9, 2010

Polymorph (1996)

An alien crash lands on Earth, looks kind of like a crumpled green glow stick, and can take over peoples bodies which it uses to kill anyone around. A professor has gone to the woods to study what he believes is a meteorite, but is quickly dispatched by a lady drug dealer who is then possessed by the alien.

Two college students doing an internship with the professor bring a couple of girls along with when they go to meet up with him in the woods. They can't find him - because he's already dead - and run into a group of drug dealers who have come to meet the original lady drug dealer who is possessed.

The film is slow moving and has a super clean look like it was done on VHS. The special effects are very low budget and there's not much polymorphing going on. It's a J.R. Bookwalter film.

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