Friday, June 12, 2009

House (2008)

A bickering, unlikable couple on their way to marriage counseling stumble across a strange accident and a creepy sheriff.  The imbeciles, on the advice of the spooky sheriff, take a short cut through the woods down a dirt road - oh good heavens! - and end up skidding off the road after a suspicious object slashes their tires.  There is another damaged car at the same spot which does not bode well for our intrepid travelers.  In true cliche fashion, their cell phones can not find a signal in this desolate area.  

Heading back to the main road, they stumble across a massive guest house that they did not notice on the way in.  Nothing suspicious about that.  They decide to stay the night since it is pouring rain, even though the staff is nowhere to be found and the last date in the guest book is twenty years ago. Nope, no need to be alarmed by any of that.

The couple from the other abandoned car appears. Then the creepy  staff appear out of nowhere. Top that all off with religious overtones and a freak outside known as the Tin Man who demands one dead body by sunrise or he'll kill them all, and you've got one big mess on your hands.

Everything that happens screams out for the couples to use a few brain cells and realize something is off.  But they keep getting in deeper and deeper until they're stuck in the house with the creepy hillbilly staff and a killer outside.

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