Friday, February 6, 2009

Midnight Skater (2002)

If you're prepared to watch a no budge movie made by a group of friends using a video camera that can't handle filming at night - and it's the Midnight Skater a lot of it is at night - then you could watch this.  Or not since the rest of the movie is just bad as the night video footage. 

A group of friends is absolutely enraged that someone has spray painted "Midnight Skater" on the wall of their college. The group decides to walk the streets late at night in order to track down this fiend.  Oddly enough they are more concerned about this guy than the serial killer who is picking off college students.  Or the drug dealers who hang around the college and whose drugs are turning people into zombies.  
The acting is nonexistent.  The script is horrible.  The zombie make up is ridiculous. Since this is truly a no budget production, I give them credit for actually getting the movie made and released. But oh boy, is it bad.  The most enjoyable part was Ezra Haidet as ultra nerd Alvin.  He was completely over the top and the funniest part of the film. 

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