Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Barracuda (1978)

Mike, a marine biologist, decides to get water samples from the ocean where a local chemical plant releases waste water through a large hose. Yes, that sounds perfectly safe. No need to worry about the effect of chemicals on the local fish population or people. Needless to say, something is very wrong.

When a series of barracuda attacks results in multiple deaths, Mike and the Sheriff team up to investigate.  Mike sets up a lab at the doctors office to do his research.  You can tell it's a small town because when the receptionist answers the phone, she just say "Doctor's Office."

The local reporters feel like they've got a scoop on a big story, and people in town are getting really irritable for no reason.  Could the two be related? And who are the developers staying at the local hotel?  And why do we even have the hotel scenes, whose only purpose is to have an old man - who doesn't appear to be an actor - state that they are developers? This could have been established within the context of the story.

Watch as the Sheriff and Mike investigate a beach full of dead mutilated fish.... and walk through the carcasses or throw them back into the water.  Gaze in wonder as the Sheriff goes back the next day and walks through the fish again. So... no one's going to clean up the rotting fish? Look on in horror as the local diner serves an entire fish, complete with skin and eyes, as a meal.  Are there any diners who actually do that? 

Wow, this movie is a little light on the barracuda attacks, but is chock full of awkward transitions and scenes that are pointless and go nowhere. Also it's hard to tell if the chemical plant owners sons is supposed to be mentally challenged or just isn't a very good actor.

There is more love than barracudas.

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