Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Immortals (2011)

Mortal Theseus fights evil lunatic King Hyperion, who wears a giant claw on his head, and is in search of a mythical bow that will give him the power to unleash the Titans from captivity, rule the world, and destroy the Gods.

The Gods, whose hats are even more ridiculous than Hyperion's, have vowed not to interfere with man, so they put their faith in Theseus. May not be the best idea as when Theseus finds the bow, a long range weapon, he chooses to use it up close.  This proves to be a problem when he's running toward the enemy, trips, and loses the bow. Argh!!  You could have just stayed put and shot them!

The Titans hop around like something out of a video game or Power Rangers villians.  An appropriate sound to accompany their hopping would be boiiiing.

There are odd pronunciations, every hat is ridiculously silly, and the chest armor has a six pack.

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