Saturday, November 3, 2012

Gappa The Triphibean Monster (1967)

A group including a scientist, a reporter, and a TV star head out to Obelisk Island in a very Gilligans Island opening scene.  The island has an erupting volcano and a tribe who constantly talks about Gappa.

When the scientist and reporter find a huge skeleton in a cave, they mistakenly believe is Gappa.  Why they assume that is beyond me since the natives always speak of Gappa in the present tense.  So how about the consideration that this may be  something Gappa ate?

When they discover there is a baby Gappa, dollar signs form in the scientists head.  He decides to bring the baby back to the mainland  where he can charge people to see it.  The Gappa parents are not amused.

Who could have foreseen that the Gappa would follow their offspring to the mainland, shooting lasers from their mouths?  I didn't.  Plus they are taller than buildings and can cause lots of carnage and destruction.  Will scientists ever learn kidnapping a monster baby is wrong?

Two things of note:

  1. the Asian kid in black face and Afro wig
  2. ridiculous dialogue - "How is the ___ area?"  "We don't have any information, but it's very bad."

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