Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kick Ass (2010)

Dave, a high school student who reads comic books, decides to become a superhero and invents an alter ego named Kick-Ass. He heads out to patrol the streets and quickly gets in over his head.

When a video of him taking on several thugs becomes a media sensation, Dave finds himself targeted by the mob who blame him for killing some of their men. In fact the men were killed by a father-daughter team of super heros who are far more deadly and well trained than Dave. Let's face it Dave, has no training and no crime fighting skills. Dave's exploits, as well as the other super heros, make for some tense moments.

The trailers for this film make it look more like a comedy than it actually is. I think that led to my being slightly disappointed in the direction of the story and it's resolution.

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