Friday, April 16, 2010

Shark Attack in the Mediterranean (2004)

Sven, a helicopter pilot, is upset to find that there is a giant shark on the attack and it is the same shark that ate his wife. Sven wants the beaches closed, but there is a big party and jet ski race planned and oh my god, his daughter is in the race!

The movie is alternately hysterically funny and boring. There is bad dubbing, ridiculous dialogue, and weird pronunciations of megalodon.

The funniest scene is when Sven races along the beach asking everyone to get out of the water by saying, "Shark alarm... shark alarm." But his inflection never varies and it sounds like he's making conversation instead of warning of a 100 foot shark about to kill everyone.

Also up there in the ridiculous is the scene of the German tourists who go into shark cage and are then dragged along the ocean floor while the boat is running because the boats owner doesn't want them to lose interest in the sharks. What? So dragging them across the ocean floor in a shark cage while they bump off the top and bottom of the cage, lose their mouthpieces/oxygen, cut their finger open and get attacked by a shark is going to keep them interested? How about keeping them safe instead!

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